After seeing all about this application, maybe all of us want
to know more about this one.
Here may some of questions which we want to ask :
1. What is actually this application?
This is a client-server Java applet Role Playing Game application.
Administrator use server application to costumizing and handling
game services. Player as client play the applet game from web browser.
2. Do I need to set up my computer? What is requirement for
running this application?
Yes, you do. We need to split up this topic become server and client
Server Side :
At server computer, you need to install :
- J2sdk version 1.4.0 or higher
- Web server application, I recomended to use Tomcat because it's
reliable for Java object
- Microsoft Access for database game
- Game package (, extract it to where you want
Configuration at server computer :
- Folder which is published by web server application is where
game.htm was, for example if you extract game package at
d:\ then you will find game.htm at : "d:\Game\classes"
- You may need to edit servergame.bat based on where you have installed
J2sdk, for example if you installed it at "d:\j2sdk1.4.1_01"
then the line is : d:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin\java -cp D:\Game\classes
ServerGame. If you extract game package at folder d:\
then you will servergame.bat at : "d:\Game"
- ODBC setting use Microsoft Access Driver with name is GameData
and database source is GameData.mdb, for example if you
extract game package at folder d:\ then you should set
database source with : "d:\Game\classes\database\GameData.mdb"
Client Side :
At client computer, you need to do is:
- You must use Java virtual machine version 1.4.0 or higher. If
you don't have it either, you should install JRE version 1.4.0 or
- You must have web browser which support to run Java application,
for example : Internet Explorer or Netscape
3. How to run this application?
Server Side :
- After web server application have been launching you should run
server game application by double clicking icon servergame.bat
at Windows Explorer or running it from command prompt.
- And then you should select world of game object file by pressing
"Select" button at server application. Those files
are presented by "*.sta" extension. If you haven't
had it already, you can create it by yourself.

Image 1 : Server game application
Client Side :
Open web browser application and then go to url where file game.htm
have been publishing by web server. For example : "http://localhost/game/game.htm"
4. Can I make a new world and customizing it? How?
Yes, of course you can. If you want to create new world, you should
create it by pressing "create" button. After
world object have been selected, you can select to add town or dungeon.
Before adding town or dungeon, you can set its location by open
world map image by pressing "Bws" button and then click
at the image area to where you want to put. Setting form town or
dungeon will be showed up after you pressing "Add"

Image 2 : Setting form town

Image 3 : Setting form dungeon

Image 4 : Setting form sub dungeon
If you can't quit from form, there must be such condition left
to fill in.
5. Do I need fast connection for playing this game?
Yes, you do. Because there are many object in this game should
be loaded, you should have connection's speed upper than 100 Kbps.
6. Can I put my own images in this game?
Yes, of course. As administrator, you can change all images object,
town's image, dungeon's image, story, etc. in this game with yours.
You can't only change hero's, people's, and monster's images. For
town and dungeon images, we suggest to not use too large image.
Here are folder which you can only change the images :
"Game/classes/image" : In this folder, you can
put game title, opening story, ending story, world map, and background
battle images. All images must be sized in 640x480 pixels.
"Game/classes/image/map" : In this folder, you
can put town and sub dungeon images. Each image must be mapped by
PointValue application. You can download this application at download
"Game/classes/image/object" : In this folder,
you can put object images like house, tree, pole, shop, etc.
7. Are there anything else which I can customize in this game?
Yes, there are. As administrator, you can edit game.htm
to change game's music, hero's level, money, title image, opening
story image, and opening story dialog. Format sound which is capable
is "Next/Sun au" format, you can convert to that
format with sound editor application like CoolEdit Pro.